How long do clip in extensions last?

How Long Do Clip In Extensions Last?

If you’re gonna spend the money on quality clip-in hair extensions, one of the questions you’ll have is “how long do clip in extensions last?

Clip in hair extensions are super popular, and for good reason. They look amazing and are easy to attach.

But how are they when it comes to longevity? Below, you’ll get an overview of how long you can expect your clip-ins to last. You’ll also get an overview of how long some other types of extensions last so you can compare.

How Long Do Clip In Extensions Last?

If you use your clip-in hair extensions often and take good care of them, they can last anywhere from 3 months to one year. With daily use, clip-in hair extensions can last between 4 and 7 months.

If you only wear them occasionally, you can expect these extensions to last anywhere from 9 to 12 months.

Some quick tips to help keep your clip-in in the best shape possible:

Always wash your clip-in hair extensions with sulfate- and alcohol-free products. This will prevent the hair from being stripped. After washing, brush the wefts only when they are completely dry. 

Brushing the extensions while they are wet can cause hair breakage and shedding.

Also, if possible, remove hair extensions before going to sleep (though you can sleep with them in). You can easily reapply them the following day.

How Long Do Other Types Of Hair Extensions Last?

Tape-in Hair Extensions 

With proper maintenance, tape-in hair extensions typically last between four and six months. However, after installation, you must visit your stylist every four to six weeks to adjust or move up the weft. This is because the growth of your natural hair can loosen over time.

If properly maintained, the same extensions can be reapplied. This will freshen up your look. 

One of the most important tips to remember is to never comb or brush wet tape-in hair extensions

Be sure to dry them thoroughly and brush them with a hair extension brush. This will increase their durability and naturalness.

Fusion Hair Extensions

Fusion hair extensions typically last between 3 and 4 months, depending on how well they’re cared for. You’ll need to visit your stylist every two months to have these extensions adjusted.

You do not need to invest in special hair care products such as shampoos, conditioners, etc. You can continue to use your regular hair care routine. But, these hair extensions must be repositioned every two to three months.

You can extend the life of these extensions by washing your hair with products that are sulfate- and alcohol-free. Heat-generating tools should be avoided, as they can loosen the bonds. Additionally, avoid applying oily products to the area where the extensions are attached.

Sew-in Hair Extensions

Sew-ins are semi-permanent hair extensions that generally last two months. These extensions have a maximum lifespan of four months.

Keeping wefts in your hair for more than four months may affect the growth of your natural hair.

At least once per week, it is essential to moisturize the scalp, nape, and edges of your weave. Use deep conditioning products that help moisturize the hair in order to keep it looking natural and healthy.

Micro links

Depending on how well you maintain these, these micro link extensions will last between 3 and 4 months. Due to the fact that these beads are attached to the roots of your natural hair, it is important to treat them with extra care and natural products.

You can treat these extensions the same as your natural hair and use the same styling products. Like fusion/pre-bonded hair extensions, you’ll need to get your micro link extensions repositioned every 2 to 3 months. The reason is that your natural hair will move the microbeads away from the scalp.


When properly cared for, human hair wigs can last up to a year, while synthetic wigs can last anywhere from 4 to 6 months.

Heat-styled synthetic hair extensions worn daily will likely last 2 to 3 months with consistent use. Those that cannot or cannot be heat-styled can typically last up to 6 months if cared for and not frequently washed.

If you take exceptional care of your human hair wigs and hair extensions, they can last for approximately a year. Typically, they last between 3 and 6 months with moderate to heavy use and improper maintenance. Remember that extensions require the same care as your natural hair.
Avoid heat styling as much as possible because it may cause damage to the wig and hasten its degradation. In addition, you should avoid brushing your wig when it is wet and protect it from dust by storing it in a protective case.

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